Mountain Men


Enterprising Young Men

The subscriber wishes to engage ONE HUNDRED MEN, to ascend
the river Missouri to its source, there to be employed for one,
two, or three years. For particulars enquire of Major Andrew
Henry, near the Lead Mines, in the County of Washington, (who
will ascend with, and command party) or to the subscriber at
St. Louis.

Wm. H. Ashley

This ad appeared in the Missouri Gazette & Public Advertiser, Feb. 13, 1822
and in the St. Louis Enquirer two weeks later.


William Henry Ashley

Antoine Robidoux

David Jackson

George Ruxton

Hugh Glass

Zenas Leonard

Joe Meek

John Adams

John Colter

Rufus Sage

Tom Fitzpatrick

William Sublette




                                        Jedediah Smith                                    Jim Bridger                             Joe Walker                                        Kit Carson


                                          Jim baker                                           Beckworth                                      WW Meek                               Steven Meek


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